The National Disability Services Association represents the network of some of the largest national providers of disability services in the community across Ireland.

The association provide quality and innovative services to ensure equal access and equal opportunity for people with disabilities.

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Priorities 2025

1. Equality of service for children, adults and parents
2. Provide multi-annual funding for disability organisations delivering vital services on behalf of the HSE and the State.
3. Initiate reform of the disability sector with meaningful consultation with stakeholders to enable Section 39 organisations to be adequately and sustainably funded to ensure continuity of vital disability service provision.
4. Invest the money to fully resource the Action Plan for Disability Services
5. Address Ireland’s appalling record of high unemployment of disabled people


    Who We Are

    National Disability Services Association represents the network of some of the largest national providers of disability services in the community  across Ireland.
    We work across the widest range of community services- education, training, personal assistance, community day care, employment, residential, respite  and rehabilitation.
    We work with and for people across all ages, abilities and backgrounds.  We have a long and evolving legacy as leaders in the disability sector.

    Wheelchair Association’s Sunshine club


    Our Goals / Ethos


    What We Do

    • Provide the biggest and widest network for disability, personal assistance and community day services with clear transparency and accountability systems for funding received.
    • Deliver services based on people centered approaches, developed from extensive experience and our voluntary ethos.
    • Ensure best practice and latest thinking approach is embedded across all services, based on data from across the disability sector.
    • We lead service development by being proactive and innovative and identifying emerging needs.
    • Provide a source of knowledge and experience to public decision makers.
    • Campaign for the ongoing improvement of disability service provisions.


    Our Member Groups

    CRCCheshire IrelandLogo for ChimeEnable IrelandIrish WheelchairVision Ireland logo